Soar.FI Liquidity Migrator — how to use

2 min readApr 9, 2021

6 steps tutorial -how to use the Liquidity Migrator of

  1. First look for you Liquidity pool contract adress. In my case I have a weth- hex2t on Uniswap, where hex2t got hacked and my pool gut stuck because i missed the axion migration.

2. Find the contract adress of your liq. pool in etherscan

3. And copy adress

4.Go to

5. Connect with your wallet and paste the contract adress , Below you see your soar lp worth (TO:)

6. Approve and swap. It will cost 2x fee as any normal liquidity removal and swap action cost.

132 Euro swap for now is a bit high for 10$ of coins.. after an approval of 15$… But its a start. Bsc will provide better fees later on.

Aside from the high fees when you have a small amount. This tool has a tremendous advantage for preventing a rugpull for insurance issues. it can act as quality mark on top of audits, giving a lot of trust when stepping into a new moonsoon project without rug fear.

See you on the moon.

